The head of Saudi intelligence, Khaled Al-Humaidan, speaks to a former Lebanese minister: Al-Hariri and his false allies Geagea, Jumblatt, and Al-Jamil stole the kingdom’s money to confront the Shiite institutions and stabbed us in our backs.

The head of Saudi intelligence, Khaled Al-Humaidan, speaks to a former Lebanese minister: Al-Hariri and his false allies Geagea, Jumblatt, and Al-Jamil stole the kingdom’s money to confront the Shiite institutions and stabbed us in our backs.

Mohamed nasar

.Samir Geagea gave us $ 500 million in the first payment and $ 500 million in the second payment, and he told us that he would turn the Lebanese situation upside down, and that he would organize and form an army of armed Sunni mercenaries from the youth of the north and prepare them with combat military courses to equip them and place them on a bloody war front in exchange for the Shiites and Iranian Hezbollah to remove them from Lebanon, as we learned that Geagea sent several people affiliated to him in the so-called Revolution Squares and offered one billion pounds to a number of revolution cadres in exchange for an agreement that they would be what they called themselves revolutionaries in leading and facing the revolution, and the Lebanese Forces Party and the Phalange Party and their partisan units from behind supported them with financial and logistical capabilities The crisis is in complete secrecy in exchange for the purchase of some illiterate (ignorant) activists to amend the principles of the revolution and the adoption of Article number one in it, which is the demand from the revolutionary street to implement Resolution 1559 and 1701 to disarm Hezbollah and hand it over to the United Nations, and these lies have evaporated and we have received reports that a large part of the revolution opposed putting up the forces To adopt the approval of 1559, and Geagea told us that the situation was not going, and we paid a billion pounds to a group of revolutionary stars who were leading from their parties, leaders, and agencies, and they sent We have pictures from Al-Nour Square on June 5, 2020 of a few children carrying white paper banners written on them We demand the implementation of Resolution 1559 and the disarming of Hezbollah, and they sent us videos of a person by Geagea from the Yazbak family impersonating many characteristics in order not to reveal himself as Geagea’s envoy, and we received reports, photos and videos. On the split of the Sunni Tripoli street between supporters and opponents of the adoption of the clause calling for illegal disarmament, and the next day, June 6, 2020, where we were expected, as the liars Geagea, Jumblatt and Hariri told us, it will be a million-person demonstration, and we will say with one million voice from Revolution Square, Martyrs’ Square, that the Lebanese people demand the implementation of the decision 1559 Let us support them with international support, and we were shocked by the split of the Martyrs Square, the Revolutionaries of the Forces and the Revolutionaries of the Phalanges, beside the statue of the martyrs and the independent revolutionaries violated by the power parties, Hezbollah, the Amal Movement, Seven, the Communists, and the Young Masons in front of Al-Amin Mosque, as they were opposed to the implementation of 1559 and the day failed to achieve the million crowd … Then came the information that She talks about that the money of one billion dollars is kept by Al-Qahba Srida Samir Geagea and buys lands, apartments, palaces, diamonds, jewelry, and We still know where our money is stored.

We gave Walid Jumblatt the first payment of 400 million dollars and the second payment of 600 million dollars to establish health and economic institutions for the Druze to confront the Shiites, and then we learned that the money went to buy private property in the name of each of his wife Noura and his son Taymur and some algae surrounding them, and what the Druze benefited from is only 1% And he took propaganda steps to show us that he is using this money for humanitarian matters, and we know where it was used, as we know the problems in the Al-Irfan Foundation headed by a sheikh from Jumblatt’s slaves.

Even on New Year’s Eve when Ghazi Al-Aridi invited his friends to an evening in the most luxurious hotels in Beirut and paid 250,000 dollars, and after Walid knew about that, and Al-Aridi and his family returned to his villa, Jumblatt went to the morning face and called Al-Aridi and got off and they sat in the Range Rover and Jumblatt asked him tomorrow at nine in the morning to bring me the $ 500 million and a notary waived four chalets, each chalet equals one million five hundred thousand dollars. He received bribes from contractors and businessmen, the huge sums he earned from his partnerships and brokers that he obtained and the bribes he received as Minister of Works on the basis of 50/50 between him and Jumblatt.

We gave Sami Gemayel $ 400 million, and he told us that he would turn the tide against Hezbollah, turn the Lebanese public opinion, organize youth groups from Tripoli, and try to communicate with terrorist sleeper cells and radical Islamic groups in the north.
He failed with his project, which he put forward to finance him, and the information came that he spent millions on himself and his TV apparel, and the rest bought lands and villas, and his wife bought the latest designs of jewelry and diamonds and transferred the remaining amount outside Lebanon.

As for our great ally Saad Hariri, there is nothing wrong with him, as you say about him, it is true that he was born a ruler of a country, and the scent of his rampant corruption and the spray of his thefts smelled their scent in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. He got 4 billion dollars to set up Sunni institutions facing Shiite institutions, so he kept a billion for himself, and transferred them abroad and we know How was it transferred and the rest was spent without any plan or planning, and did not create a single institution, not for the hungry people of Tripoli and the North, nor for the deprived people of the Bekaa and Hermel, nor for the people of Beirut, not even for the people of Sidon and the South, but squandered money and stole it near and far, even fashion models and pornstars took advantage of it and other obscene expenses Its place is, as the Lebanese proverbs say, “Like the eagle”, “Dart on the court,” his saying and his father are together. A thousand dollars, privileges and projects in Saudi Arabia, just as his late father Rafiq used to exploit us, sit with our rivals, sell us from under the table, arrest everyone, bargain with his wives and women, and walk their interests.

Even Hadi’s projected “Ibn Fawzi Hobeish”, who is not worth 20 dollars, we gave him 20 million dollars in which he built a mansion in his town and presented his well-known prostitute wife with jewelry and diamonds.

And the officer continued: “Tell us one reason that makes us pay a penny in Lebanon. Make sure that even if the American asks us, we will not pay you a penny. What we have endured of your abuse and dishonesty is enough for us. Go and uproot your thorns. We have a thousand concerns other than your worries and your sweet words do not concern us and do not tempt us.” We don’t need you

Hariri’s tour that he is doing now is a failure and will not bring any good or progress to Lebanon. He is making these visits to save himself and complete his mission in forming the government that he failed with and he has a people who reject him and cheer against him, just as the countries that supported him and the Hariri family withdrew their confidence and placed a veto on him. And bad reviews for his failed performance in judgment.

A very important confidential report

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