Supreme Chairman of the Boards of Trustees Ibrahim Majzoub telegraphed to Presidents Putin and Zelensky on the occasion of launching the international peace initiative to stop the war and bloodshed between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples

Supreme Chairman of the Boards of Trustees Ibrahim Majzoub telegraphed to Presidents Putin and Zelensky on the occasion of launching the international peace initiative to stop the war and bloodshed between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples

Mohamed nasar

Under the title of launching the international peace initiative to protect international peace and security in conjunction with the international movement accompanying the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Supreme Chairman of the Boards of Trustees of the countries of the world, President Dr. Ibrahim Al-Majzoub, telegraphed to the Russian and Ukrainian presidents Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky, presenting his international initiative to establish peace, as the initiative included an invitation to the two presidents And the leadership of the Russian and Ukrainian armies to calm down, stop the war and bloodshed, resort to dialogue and conduct diplomatic talks through countries with common friendships between the two countries, to start negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. The most prominent international bodies are the United Nations, the UN Security Council, the International Diplomatic Council, the European Union, the Union of Non-Aligned Countries, the Vatican Church and the countries concerned with the crisis, especially NATO countries to engage and pressure in directing efforts towards a peaceful solution. Operations and stopping the military deployment of armies to consolidate the concept of peace, protect national security, end tension, stop bloodshed and sign an international peace agreement.


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